Why Braces

Braces are used to treat a number of common problems. Orthodontic problems may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction and chewing and digestive difficulties. A “bad bite” can contribute to speech impairments, jaw joint issues, tooth loss, chipped teeth and other dental injuries. The amount of time spent in braces will vary depending on your individual needs. Patients now have more options when it comes to wearing braces. While regular metal braces are still widely used, clear braces are becoming increasingly popular, along with removable appliances (Invisalign) that can be used for mild cases of misaligned teeth. Dr. Kim will help you determine the best treatment for you/your child’s teeth after a comprehensive first exam.

Types of Braces

Orthodontic treatment is not what it used to be. Today’s options range from colorful to nearly invisible braces. The choice is yours and you don’t have to come up with the answers alone. Dr. Kim will help find the perfect match for you. No matter which direction you choose, you will have a smile that you will be proud of.  Choosing orthodontic treatment means making an investment in your future.

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional Metal Braces

Clear Ceramic Braces

Clear Ceramic Braces



We combine the highest quality orthodontic care and state-of-the-art technology with personalized, affordable treatment for both adults and children. Our commitment to excellence through continuing education ensures that you will receive the very best care and result. Working in partnership with our pediatric dentistry team, we give you and your family superior education, prevention and treatment for a lifelong healthy smile.

Food Guidelines

Your teeth may be a little sore for the first several days in braces, so we recommend sticking to a soft food diet until the discomfort subsides. While in braces, you can still eat just about anything although there are a few exceptions.

You should avoid hard foods, such as ice and pizza crust, as well as sticky foods, including licorice and caramels. These foods can damage wires and brackets. It is also important to minimize foods high in sugar content, like ice cream and cookies, and reduce sugary drinks to once a day.

In the event of a loose/broken bracket or wire, call our office immediately to arrange an appointment for repair.